Aviso legal

Pursuant to Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce  (Ley  de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico -LSSI),  we inform:

Art. 10 LSSI: .discovercanada.es is an internet domain owned by INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IDIOMAS, S.L., with registered office in C/ Calendula 93; Miniparc III, Edificio F 28109 Alcobendas (province of Madrid) and TAX ID Number B87536199 The company has registered in the Companies Registry  Registro Mercantil de Madrid en el tomo 34814, folio 111, inscripción 1 con hoja M-622738.

For the purposes of this document, the telephone contact number is  +34915716095  and the contact email is  info@international-experience.es..

This legal notice regulates the use of the domain.

The use of this website means you agree the conditions included in this Notice. In the case of certain services, content and / or tools offered via this website requiring the application of special conditions, these shall make available to user.

Moreover, it warns that both the content and services of this website and the own conditions of use may be modified without notice.

  1. Conditions of use.

The User agrees to provide truthful, accurate and complete information about its identity.

In addition, the user agrees to keep personal data update that could be provided to the domain holder; therefore, the data holder is solely responsible for the falsehoods or inaccuracies thereof.

In the event of minors they  must have the permission of their parents, guardians or legal representatives to access to the provided services . INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IDIOMAS, S.L. is not responsible in the event of inexact or false data related with  this issue.

  • Thewebsite may only be usedfor lawful purposes; therefore theuser agrees tomake a lawfuland honestuseunderthese Termsof Use, and not using the servicesof the websitefor conductscontrary to theSpanishlegislation, morality and public order. The user assumes all responsibilitiesfor damagesagainst theholder of this websiteor third partiesthat may arise fromillegal practicesor impermissibleactivities as the following:
  • To performwithout prior approvalany manipulation or alterationof this page, the holder of the Websitedoes not assume anyliability arisingfromsuch manipulationor alteration bythird parties.
  • -To take any actionthatcould damage,disable,overburden,or impair the website and its servicesas well as to hinder the normaluse andutilization by
  • – To introduce and/ orusecomputer software, data, corrupted files, viruses, malicious code, computer or telecommunicationsequipment orany other, regardless of their naturewhichcandamage this
  • -To violatethe rights of privacy,self-image, confidentiality of communications, intellectual property and industrial property of third parties.
    – To hide and disguise the origin of
    – To use false identities, to supplant the identity of others in the use of this Website or the use of any of its services.
  • -To play, distribute, modify or copy thecontent of this page, unless you have the permission oftheholder of this websiteor beinglegally entitled for it.
    – To transmit usernames and passwords to unauthorized third parties.

INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IDIOMAS, S.L.  is not liable for links to other websites and their existence does not imply that INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IDIOMAS, S.L. approves or accepts their contents and services. These other websites are not controlled by INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IDIOMAS, S.L. neither covered by this data protection Policy.. If you access to other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may gather your personal information. Make sure you are satisfied with the data protection policies of these third-party websites before providing any personal information.

In general,domain holder excludes its liability for any damage that may result from the use of the website, or resulting from the infringement of the rights of intellectual and industrial property by users and / or lack of truthfulness, accuracy, and timeliness of the content. Neither may be required responsibilities to the domains holder due to interruption of services, undesired operations or inability to access the service.

The domain holder is not liable for damages caused by the presence of viruses or other harmful software that could produce alterations in the computer system of the user.

The website, its programs, designs, logos, text and / or graphics are property of the provider of the website or has a proper license or express authorization of the authors.

Any total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, always requires the prior authorization of the domain holder.

The user agrees not to perform any contrary acts to the rights of intellectual and industrial property of the author.

The service provider authorizes third parties to redirect directly to the specific contents of this website but should be redirected to the main website of the provider.

  1. Use of cookies

INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE IDIOMAS, S.L.   as owner of this website declares that uses automatic data collection procedures to keep the registration of users who visit the website. Click here to go to the use of cookies policy

Data Protection

You can consult our data protection policy on our website:

  1. Applicable Law

These Terms shall be governed at all times by the provisions of the Spanish legislation